Challenge Description

Feeling stifled by the large crowd gathered in the entrance plaza, you open up your minimap and try to find somewhere to search far away from the entrance gate. Ah, perfect—there’s some kind of library on the other side of the Sanctum. A nice, quiet place to search alone for a bit.

Entering the library, you find that your guess the library would be quiet was… rather faulty. As the door swings closed behind you, instead of a soft bell that one might expect to hear, you’re greeted with the wail of an electric guitar, quickly followed by some heavy drums. Perhaps not a great place to sit quietly, but at least it seems like you’ve got the place to yourself!

You find yourself drawn to a section labeled “anime” (perhaps this is some sort of multimedia collection?), and everything there is spinning and flashing and generally making your eyes hurt a little. But there’s got to be a flag hiding somewhere behind the seizure-inducing mess, right?


We have to deal with an old school Adobe shockwave application, which is written in Lingo. We’re interested in you_wa_shockwave.dcr which is essentially the Lingo Bytecode, is a stack based VM.

A quick search online reveals Schockabsorber, a (debugging) tool for running shockwave applications. We run the script it as follows:

./Schockabsorber/ bin/you_wa_shockwave.dcr 

And we get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./Schockabsorber/", line 4, in <module>
  File "/home/ispo/ctf/plaid_ctf_2020/YOU_wa_SHOCKWAVE/Schockabsorber/shockabsorber/", line 47, in main
    movie = loader.load_movie(sys.argv[1])
  File "/home/ispo/ctf/plaid_ctf_2020/YOU_wa_SHOCKWAVE/Schockabsorber/shockabsorber/loader/", line 195, in load_movie
    (loader_context, sections_map, castlibs, castidx_order) = load_file(f)
  File "/home/ispo/ctf/plaid_ctf_2020/YOU_wa_SHOCKWAVE/Schockabsorber/shockabsorber/loader/", line 228, in load_file
    sections_map = shockabsorber.loader.dcr_envelope.create_section_map(f, loader_context)
  File "/home/ispo/ctf/plaid_ctf_2020/YOU_wa_SHOCKWAVE/Schockabsorber/shockabsorber/loader/", line 167, in create_section_map
    raise "unknown repr_mode: %d" % e.repr_mode
TypeError: exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException, not str

We can go to Schockabsorber/shockabsorber/loader/ and fix the script:

            #raise "unknown repr_mode: %d" % e.repr_mode
            print "unknown repr_mode ispo"
            # entries_by_nr[snr] = (e.tag,sdata)

This is fix is not the best, since application crashes after a while, however it prints all the useful output. The first interesting part is the local function table:

DB| Lscr.literals: {0: 'flag_input', 1: 'Good flag!', 2: 'Bad flag!'}
DB| * handler_name = 'zz_helper' (0x380)
DB|   subsections = [(276, 107), (384, 3), (390, 3), (396, 0), (396, 11)]
DB|   handler extras = [12, 1, 4]
DB| * handler_name = 'zz' (0x36a)
DB|   subsections = [(408, 22), (430, 1), (432, 0), (432, 0), (432, 1)]
DB|   handler extras = [204, 15, 4]
DB| * handler_name = 'check_flag' (0x372)
DB|   subsections = [(434, 789), (1224, 1), (1226, 9), (1244, 0), (1244, 27)]
DB|   handler extras = [254, 19, 25]
DB| * handler_name = 'click' (0x1b0)
DB|   subsections = [(1272, 57), (1330, 0), (1330, 1), (1332, 0), (1332, 8)]
DB|   handler extras = [1457, 48, 2]

Let’s start with function check_flag:

DB| handler check_flag:
DB|    code: (0, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (2, 'Get-field', ['length'])
DB|    code: (5, 'Push-int', [42])
DB|    code: (7, 'Not-equals', [])                      ; flag.legth != 42 ?
DB|    code: (8, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(8, 16)])     ; if yes goto #16
DB|    code: (11, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (12, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (14, 'Call', ['return'])                   ; return 0 (false)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (16, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (17, 'Store-local', [(0, 'checksum')])     ; checksum = 0
DB|    code: (19, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (21, 'Store-local', [(1, 'i')])            ; i = 1
DB|    code: (23, 'Push-local', [(1, 'i')])
DB|    code: (25, 'Push-int', [21])                     ; 21 <= i ?
DB|    code: (27, 'Less-than-or-equals', [])
DB|    code: (28, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(71, 99)])   ; if yes goto #99
DB|    code: (31, 'Push-local', [(0, 'checksum')])
DB|    code: (33, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (35, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (38, 'Push-local', [(1, 'i')])
DB|    code: (40, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (42, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (43, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (45, 'Subtract', [])
DB|    code: (46, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (48, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])           ; getProp(flag, 2*i+1, char)
DB|    code: (50, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (52, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (55, 'Push-int', [256])
DB|    code: (58, 'Multiply', [])                       ; charToNum(flag[2*i + 1]) * 256
DB|    code: (59, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (61, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (64, 'Push-local', [(1, 'i')])
DB|    code: (66, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (68, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (69, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (71, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (73, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (75, 'Call', ['charToNum'])                ; charToNum(flag[2*i])
DB|    code: (78, 'Add', [])                            ; charToNum(flag[2*i + 1]) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*i])
DB|    code: (79, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (81, 'Call-local', [1])                    ; call loca function #1 (zz)
DB|    code: (83, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (85, 'Call', ['bitXor'])                   
DB|    code: (88, 'Store-local', [(0, 'checksum')])     ; checksum ^= zz(charToNum(flag[2*i + 1]) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*i]))
DB|    code: (90, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (92, 'Push-local', [(1, 'i')])
DB|    code: (94, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (95, 'Store-local', [(1, 'i')])            ; ++i
DB|    code: (97, 'Jump-relative-back', [(74, 23)])     ; goto LOOP_1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (99, 'Push-local', [(0, 'checksum')])
DB|    code: (101, 'Push-int-32?', [5803878])
DB|    code: (106, 'Not-equals', [])                    ; checksum != 5803878 ?
DB|    code: (107, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(8, 115)])  ; if not goto #115
DB|    code: (110, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (111, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (113, 'Call', ['return'])                  ; return 0 (false)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (115, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (117, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (119, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (121, 'Push-int', [19])
DB|    code: (123, 'Push-int-32?', [3749774])
DB|    code: (128, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (130, 'Construct-linear-array', [])        ; create array (3749774, 19, 12, 5, 2)
DB|    code: (131, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (133, 'Push-int', [9])
DB|    code: (135, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (137, 'Push-int', [17])
DB|    code: (139, 'Push-int-32?', [694990])
DB|    code: (144, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (146, 'Construct-linear-array', [])        ; create array (694990, 17, 12, 9, 2)
DB|    code: (147, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (149, 'Push-int', [3])
DB|    code: (151, 'Push-int', [4])
DB|    code: (153, 'Push-int', [13])
DB|    code: (155, 'Push-int', [5764])
DB|    code: (158, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (160, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (161, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (163, 'Push-int', [7])
DB|    code: (165, 'Push-int', [11])
DB|    code: (167, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (169, 'Push-int-32?', [299886])
DB|    code: (174, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (176, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (177, 'Push-int', [4])
DB|    code: (179, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (181, 'Push-int', [13])
DB|    code: (183, 'Push-int', [14])
DB|    code: (185, 'Push-int-32?', [5713094])
DB|    code: (190, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (192, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (193, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (194, 'Push-int', [6])
DB|    code: (196, 'Push-int', [8])
DB|    code: (198, 'Push-int', [14])
DB|    code: (200, 'Push-int-32?', [430088])
DB|    code: (205, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (207, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (208, 'Push-int', [7])
DB|    code: (210, 'Push-int', [9])
DB|    code: (212, 'Push-int', [10])
DB|    code: (214, 'Push-int', [17])
DB|    code: (216, 'Push-int-32?', [3676754])
DB|    code: (221, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (223, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (224, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (225, 'Push-int', [11])
DB|    code: (227, 'Push-int', [16])
DB|    code: (229, 'Push-int', [17])
DB|    code: (231, 'Push-int-32?', [7288576])
DB|    code: (236, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (238, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (239, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (241, 'Push-int', [9])
DB|    code: (243, 'Push-int', [10])
DB|    code: (245, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (247, 'Push-int-32?', [5569582])
DB|    code: (252, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (254, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (255, 'Push-int', [7])
DB|    code: (257, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (259, 'Push-int', [14])
DB|    code: (261, 'Push-int', [20])
DB|    code: (263, 'Push-int-32?', [7883270])
DB|    code: (268, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (270, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (271, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (272, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (274, 'Push-int', [6])
DB|    code: (276, 'Push-int', [18])
DB|    code: (278, 'Push-int-32?', [5277110])
DB|    code: (283, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (285, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (286, 'Push-int', [3])
DB|    code: (288, 'Push-int', [8])
DB|    code: (290, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (292, 'Push-int', [14])
DB|    code: (294, 'Push-int-32?', [437608])
DB|    code: (299, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (301, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (302, 'Push-int', [4])
DB|    code: (304, 'Push-int', [7])
DB|    code: (306, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (308, 'Push-int', [16])
DB|    code: (310, 'Push-int-32?', [3184334])
DB|    code: (315, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (317, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (318, 'Push-int', [3])
DB|    code: (320, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (322, 'Push-int', [13])
DB|    code: (324, 'Push-int', [20])
DB|    code: (326, 'Push-int-32?', [2821934])
DB|    code: (331, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (333, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (334, 'Push-int', [3])
DB|    code: (336, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (338, 'Push-int', [14])
DB|    code: (340, 'Push-int', [16])
DB|    code: (342, 'Push-int-32?', [5306888])
DB|    code: (347, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (349, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (350, 'Push-int', [4])
DB|    code: (352, 'Push-int', [13])
DB|    code: (354, 'Push-int', [16])
DB|    code: (356, 'Push-int', [18])
DB|    code: (358, 'Push-int-32?', [5634450])
DB|    code: (363, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (365, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (366, 'Push-int', [11])
DB|    code: (368, 'Push-int', [14])
DB|    code: (370, 'Push-int', [17])
DB|    code: (372, 'Push-int', [18])
DB|    code: (374, 'Push-int-32?', [6221894])
DB|    code: (379, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (381, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (382, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (384, 'Push-int', [4])
DB|    code: (386, 'Push-int', [9])
DB|    code: (388, 'Push-int', [18])
DB|    code: (390, 'Push-int-32?', [5290664])
DB|    code: (395, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (397, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (398, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (400, 'Push-int', [9])
DB|    code: (402, 'Push-int', [13])
DB|    code: (404, 'Push-int', [15])
DB|    code: (406, 'Push-int-32?', [6404568])
DB|    code: (411, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (413, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (414, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (416, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (418, 'Push-int', [9])
DB|    code: (420, 'Push-int', [12])
DB|    code: (422, 'Push-int-32?', [3390622])
DB|    code: (427, 'Set-arg-count-return', [5])
DB|    code: (429, 'Construct-linear-array', [])        ; create array (3390622, 12, 9, 5, 2)
DB|    code: (430, 'Set-arg-count-return', [20])
DB|    code: (432, 'Construct-linear-array', [])        ; create and array of these arrays (2D)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (433, 'Store-local', [(2, 'check_data')])  ; check_data = our 2D array
DB|    code: (435, 'Push-local', [(2, 'check_data')])
DB|    code: (437, 'Dup', [0])
DB|    code: (439, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (441, 'Call', ['count'])                   ; count = 20 = len(check_data)
DB|    code: (444, 'Push-int', [1])

DB|    code: (446, 'Dup', [0])
DB|    code: (448, 'Dup', [2])
DB|    code: (450, 'Less-than-or-equals', [])           ; if 1 <= count the goto #780
DB|    code: (451, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(329, 780)])

DB|    code: (454, 'Dup', [2])
DB|    code: (456, 'Dup', [1])
DB|    code: (458, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (460, 'Call', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (463, 'Store-local', [(3, 'x')])           ; x = getAt(2, 1) = check_data[count] = 1 row
DB|    code: (465, 'Push-local', [(3, 'x')])
DB|    code: (467, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (469, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (471, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (474, 'Store-local', [(1, 'i')])           ; i = getAt(x, 1)
DB|    code: (476, 'Push-local', [(3, 'x')])
DB|    code: (478, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (480, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (482, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (485, 'Store-local', [(4, 'j')])           ; j = getAt(x, 2)
DB|    code: (487, 'Push-local', [(3, 'x')])
DB|    code: (489, 'Push-int', [3])
DB|    code: (491, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (493, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (496, 'Store-local', [(5, 'k')])           ; k = getAt(x, 3)
DB|    code: (498, 'Push-local', [(3, 'x')])
DB|    code: (500, 'Push-int', [4])
DB|    code: (502, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (504, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (507, 'Store-local', [(6, 'l')])           ; l = getAt(x, 4)
DB|    code: (509, 'Push-local', [(3, 'x')])
DB|    code: (511, 'Push-int', [5])
DB|    code: (513, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (515, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (518, 'Store-local', [(7, 'target')])      ; target = getAt(x, 5)

DB|    code: (520, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (522, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (525, 'Push-local', [(1, 'i')])
DB|    code: (527, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (529, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (530, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (532, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (533, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (535, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (537, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (539, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (542, 'Push-int', [256])
DB|    code: (545, 'Multiply', [])                      ; charToNum(flag[2*i + 1) * 256
DB|    code: (546, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (548, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (551, 'Push-local', [(1, 'i')])
DB|    code: (553, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (555, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (556, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (558, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (559, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (561, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (563, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (565, 'Call', ['charToNum'])               ; charToNum(flag[2*i + 2)
DB|    code: (568, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (569, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (571, 'Call-local', [1])                   ; zz(charToNum(flag[2*i + 1) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*i + 2))
DB|    code: (573, 'Store-local', [(8, 'sum')])
DB|    code: (575, 'Push-local', [(8, 'sum')])          ; sum = zz(charToNum(flag[2*i + 1) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*i + 2))
DB|    code: (577, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (579, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (582, 'Push-local', [(4, 'j')])
DB|    code: (584, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (586, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (587, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (589, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (590, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (592, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (594, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (596, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (599, 'Push-int', [256])
DB|    code: (602, 'Multiply', [])                      ; charToNum(flag[2*j + 1) * 256
DB|    code: (603, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (605, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (608, 'Push-local', [(4, 'j')])
DB|    code: (610, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (612, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (613, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (615, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (616, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (618, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (620, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (622, 'Call', ['charToNum'])               ; charToNum(flag[2*j + 2)
DB|    code: (625, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (626, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (628, 'Call-local', [1])
DB|    code: (630, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (632, 'Call', ['bitXor'])                  
DB|    code: (635, 'Store-local', [(8, 'sum')])         ; sum ^= zz(charToNum(flag[2*j + 1) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*j + 2))
DB|    code: (637, 'Push-local', [(8, 'sum')])
DB|    code: (639, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (641, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (644, 'Push-local', [(5, 'k')])
DB|    code: (646, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (648, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (649, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (651, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (652, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (654, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (656, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (658, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (661, 'Push-int', [256])
DB|    code: (664, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (665, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (667, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (670, 'Push-local', [(5, 'k')])
DB|    code: (672, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (674, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (675, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (677, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (678, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (680, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (682, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (684, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (687, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (688, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (690, 'Call-local', [1])
DB|    code: (692, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (694, 'Call', ['bitXor'])
DB|    code: (697, 'Store-local', [(8, 'sum')])         ; sum ^= zz(charToNum(flag[2*k + 1) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*k + 2))
DB|    code: (699, 'Push-local', [(8, 'sum')])
DB|    code: (701, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (703, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (706, 'Push-local', [(6, 'l')])
DB|    code: (708, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (710, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (711, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (713, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (714, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (716, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (718, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (720, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (723, 'Push-int', [256])
DB|    code: (726, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (727, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'flag')])
DB|    code: (729, 'Push-symbol', ['char'])
DB|    code: (732, 'Push-local', [(6, 'l')])
DB|    code: (734, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (736, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (737, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (739, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (740, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (742, 'Call-method', ['getProp'])
DB|    code: (744, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (746, 'Call', ['charToNum'])
DB|    code: (749, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (750, 'Set-arg-count-return', [1])
DB|    code: (752, 'Call-local', [1])
DB|    code: (754, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (756, 'Call', ['bitXor'])
DB|    code: (759, 'Store-local', [(8, 'sum')])
DB|    code: (761, 'Push-local', [(8, 'sum')])          ; sum ^= zz(charToNum(flag[2*l + 1) * 256 + charToNum(flag[2*l + 2))
DB|    code: (763, 'Push-local', [(7, 'target')])
DB|    code: (765, 'Not-equals', [])                    ; sum != target ?
DB|    code: (766, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(8, 774)])  ; if not goto #774
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (769, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (770, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (772, 'Call', ['return'])                  ; return 0 (false)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (774, 'Push-int', [1])                     ; count++
DB|    code: (776, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (777, 'Jump-relative-back', [(331, 446)])  ; goto LOOP_2
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (780, 'Pop', [3])
DB|    code: (782, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (784, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (786, 'Call', ['return'])
DB|    code: (788, 'Return', [])                        ; return 1 (true)

So what’s going on here? First flag must be 42 characters. Characters are checked in pairs. The first check is the following:

    _sum = 0
    for i in range(1, 21+1):
        _sum ^= zz( flag[2*i - 1]*256 + flag[2*i])
    if _sum != 5803878:
        return false

Then program creates a 2D array:

    array = [
         [2, 5, 12, 19, 3749774],
         [2, 9, 12, 17, 694990],
         [1, 3, 4, 13, 5764],
         [5, 7, 11, 12, 299886],
         [4, 5, 13, 14, 5713094],
         [0, 6, 8, 14, 430088],
         [7, 9, 10, 17, 3676754],
         [0, 11, 16, 17, 7288576],
         [5, 9, 10, 12, 5569582],
         [7, 12, 14, 20, 7883270],
         [0, 2, 6, 18, 5277110],
         [3, 8, 12, 14, 437608],
         [4, 7, 12, 16, 3184334],
         [3, 12, 13, 20, 2821934],
         [3, 5, 14, 16, 5306888],
         [4, 13, 16, 18, 5634450],
         [11, 14, 17, 18, 6221894],
         [1, 4, 9, 18, 5290664],
         [2, 9, 13, 15, 6404568],
         [2, 5, 9, 12, 3390622]

And performs the following checks for each row:

    for (i, j, k, l, target) in array:        
        if (zz(flag[2*i + 1]*256 + flag[2*i + 2]) ^
            zz(flag[2*j + 1]*256 + flag[2*j + 2]) ^
            zz(flag[2*k + 1]*256 + flag[2*k + 2]) ^
            zz(flag[2*l + 1]*256 + flag[2*l + 2]) != target):
                return false

Now let’s look at zz:

DB| handler zz:
DB|    code: (0, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (2, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (4, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'x')])
DB|    code: (6, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (8, 'Call-local', [0])                     ; call local #0 (zz_helper)
DB|    code: (10, 'Push-int', [1])                      ; zz_helper(1, 1, x)
DB|    code: (12, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (14, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (17, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (19, 'Call', ['return'])                   ; return getAT(zz_helper(1, 1, x), 1)
DB|    code: (21, 'Return', [])                         ; (first argument of zz_helper)

zz is actuall a wrapper for zz_helper:

vars=['x', 'y', 'z']
locals=['c', 'a', 'b']

DB| handler zz_helper:
DB|    code: (0, 'Push-parameter', [(1, 'y')])
DB|    code: (2, 'Push-parameter', [(2, 'z')])
DB|    code: (4, 'Greater-than', [])                    ; y > z ?
DB|    code: (5, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(17, 22)])    ; if not goto RECURSION
DB|    code: (8, 'Push-int', [1])                       ; 1 on stack
DB|    code: (10, 'Push-parameter', [(2, 'z')])
DB|    code: (12, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'x')])
DB|    code: (14, 'Subtract', [])                       ; z - x
DB|    code: (15, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])          ; return a tuple!
DB|    code: (17, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (18, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (20, 'Call', ['return'])                   ; return (1, z-x)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (22, 'Push-parameter', [(1, 'y')])
DB|    code: (24, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'x')])
DB|    code: (26, 'Push-parameter', [(1, 'y')])
DB|    code: (28, 'Add', [])
DB|    code: (29, 'Push-parameter', [(2, 'z')])
DB|    code: (31, 'Set-arg-count-return', [3])
DB|    code: (33, 'Call-local', [0])                    ; call zz_helper! (we have recursion)
DB|    code: (35, 'Store-local', [(0, 'c')])            ; c = zz_helper(y, x + y, z)
DB|    code: (37, 'Push-local', [(0, 'c')])
DB|    code: (39, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (41, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (43, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (46, 'Store-local', [(1, 'a')])            ; a = getAt(c, 1)
DB|    code: (48, 'Push-local', [(0, 'c')])
DB|    code: (50, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (52, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (54, 'Call-method', ['getAt'])
DB|    code: (57, 'Store-local', [(2, 'b')])            ; b = getAt(c, 2) (zz_helper returns 2 vals)
DB|    code: (59, 'Push-local', [(2, 'b')])
DB|    code: (61, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'x')])
DB|    code: (63, 'Greater-than-or-equals', [])         ; b >= x ?
DB|    code: (64, 'Jump-relative-unless', [(26, 90)])   ; if not goto #90
DB|    code: (67, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (69, 'Push-local', [(1, 'a')])
DB|    code: (71, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (72, 'Push-int', [1])
DB|    code: (74, 'Add', [])                            ; 2*a + 1
DB|    code: (75, 'Push-local', [(2, 'b')])
DB|    code: (77, 'Push-parameter', [(0, 'x')])
DB|    code: (79, 'Subtract', [])                       ; b - x
DB|    code: (80, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (82, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (83, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (85, 'Call', ['return'])                   ; return (2*a+1, b-x)
DB|    code: (87, 'Jump-relative', [(19, 106)])         ; goto end
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (90, 'Push-int', [2])
DB|    code: (92, 'Push-local', [(1, 'a')])
DB|    code: (94, 'Multiply', [])
DB|    code: (95, 'Push-int-0', [])
DB|    code: (96, 'Add', [])                            ; 2*a + 0 = 2*a
DB|    code: (97, 'Push-local', [(2, 'b')])
DB|    code: (99, 'Set-arg-count-return', [2])
DB|    code: (101, 'Construct-linear-array', [])
DB|    code: (102, 'Set-arg-count-void', [1])
DB|    code: (104, 'Call', ['return'])                  ; return (2*a, b)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB|    code: (106, 'Return', [])

Let’s decompile them:

def zz_helper(x, y, z):
    if y > z:
        return (1, z - x) 

    a, b = zz_helper(y, x + y, z)
    if b >= x:
        return (2*a + 1, b - x)
    return (2*a, b)
def zz(x):
    return zz_helper(1, 1, x)[0]

Breaking the code

Now we have everything we need to find the flag. All we have to do is to simply feed all these equations into z3 solver:

ispo@leet:~/ctf/plaid_ctf_2020/YOU_wa_SHOCKWAVE$ ./ 
[+] shockwave crack started.
[+] Creating symbolic zz() function ...
[+] Initializing flag syms ...
[+] Adding initial constraints
[+] Adding array constraints ...
[+] Adding constraint: i=2, j=5, k=12, l=19, target=3749774
[+] Adding constraint: i=2, j=9, k=12, l=17, target=694990
[+] Adding constraint: i=1, j=3, k=4, l=13, target=5764
[+] Adding constraint: i=5, j=7, k=11, l=12, target=299886
[+] Adding constraint: i=4, j=5, k=13, l=14, target=5713094
[+] Adding constraint: i=0, j=6, k=8, l=14, target=430088
[+] Adding constraint: i=7, j=9, k=10, l=17, target=3676754
[+] Adding constraint: i=0, j=11, k=16, l=17, target=7288576
[+] Adding constraint: i=5, j=9, k=10, l=12, target=5569582
[+] Adding constraint: i=7, j=12, k=14, l=20, target=7883270
[+] Adding constraint: i=0, j=2, k=6, l=18, target=5277110
[+] Adding constraint: i=3, j=8, k=12, l=14, target=437608
[+] Adding constraint: i=4, j=7, k=12, l=16, target=3184334
[+] Adding constraint: i=3, j=12, k=13, l=20, target=2821934
[+] Adding constraint: i=3, j=5, k=14, l=16, target=5306888
[+] Adding constraint: i=4, j=13, k=16, l=18, target=5634450
[+] Adding constraint: i=11, j=14, k=17, l=18, target=6221894
[+] Adding constraint: i=1, j=4, k=9, l=18, target=5290664
[+] Adding constraint: i=2, j=9, k=13, l=15, target=6404568
[+] Adding constraint: i=2, j=5, k=9, l=12, target=3390622
[+] Checking sat....
[+] Checking sat ...
[+] Valid solution found!
[+]   X_1 = 0x50 (P)
[+]   X_2 = 0x43 (C)
[+]   X_3 = 0x54 (T)
[+]   X_4 = 0x46 (F)
[+]   X_5 = 0x7b ({)
[+]   X_6 = 0x47 (G)
[+]   X_7 = 0x72 (r)
[+]   X_8 = 0x34 (4)
[+]   X_9 = 0x70 (p)
[+]   X_10 = 0x68 (h)
[+]   X_11 = 0x31 (1)
[+]   X_12 = 0x43 (C)
[+]   X_13 = 0x53 (S)
[+]   X_14 = 0x5f (_)
[+]   X_15 = 0x44 (D)
[+]   X_16 = 0x33 (3)
[+]   X_17 = 0x53 (S)
[+]   X_18 = 0x69 (i)
[+]   X_19 = 0x47 (G)
[+]   X_20 = 0x6e (n)
[+]   X_21 = 0x5f (_)
[+]   X_22 = 0x49 (I)
[+]   X_23 = 0x73 (s)
[+]   X_24 = 0x5f (_)
[+]   X_25 = 0x74 (t)
[+]   X_26 = 0x52 (R)
[+]   X_27 = 0x55 (U)
[+]   X_28 = 0x6c (l)
[+]   X_29 = 0x59 (Y)
[+]   X_30 = 0x5f (_)
[+]   X_31 = 0x4d (M)
[+]   X_32 = 0x79 (y)
[+]   X_33 = 0x5f (_)
[+]   X_34 = 0x50 (P)
[+]   X_35 = 0x61 (a)
[+]   X_36 = 0x73 (s)
[+]   X_37 = 0x35 (5)
[+]   X_38 = 0x69 (i)
[+]   X_39 = 0x6f (o)
[+]   X_40 = 0x4e (N)
[+]   X_41 = 0x21 (!)
[+] Flag: PCTF{Gr4ph1CS_D3SiGn_Is_tRUlY_My_Pas5ioN!

Below is the crack script:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
from z3 import *

def zz_helper(x, y, z):
    if y > z:
        return (1, z - x) 

    a, b = zz_helper(y, x + y, z)
    if b >= x:
        return (2*a + 1, b - x)
    return (2*a, b)

def zz(x):
    return zz_helper(1, 1, x)[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print '[+] shockwave crack started.'

    zz_tbl = {}
    # We know that flag consists of printable characters, so we only calculate
    # all the possible inputs for zz.
    for i in xrange(0x20, 0x7e+1):
        for j in xrange(0x20, 0x7e+1):            
            zz_tbl[i*256 + j] = zz(i*256 + j)

    array = [
         [2, 5, 12, 19, 3749774],
         [2, 9, 12, 17, 694990],
         [1, 3, 4, 13, 5764],
         [5, 7, 11, 12, 299886],
         [4, 5, 13, 14, 5713094],
         [0, 6, 8, 14, 430088],
         [7, 9, 10, 17, 3676754],
         [0, 11, 16, 17, 7288576],
         [5, 9, 10, 12, 5569582],
         [7, 12, 14, 20, 7883270],
         [0, 2, 6, 18, 5277110],
         [3, 8, 12, 14, 437608],
         [4, 7, 12, 16, 3184334],
         [3, 12, 13, 20, 2821934],
         [3, 5, 14, 16, 5306888],
         [4, 13, 16, 18, 5634450],
         [11, 14, 17, 18, 6221894],
         [1, 4, 9, 18, 5290664],
         [2, 9, 13, 15, 6404568],
         [2, 5, 9, 12, 3390622]

    s = Solver()

    print '[+] Creating symbolic zz() function ...'

    # create a symbolic function for zz
    zz_fct = Function("zz_fct", BitVecSort(32), BitVecSort(32))

    # add all possible values for zz
    for i, z in zz_tbl.items():
        s.add(zz_fct(i) == z)

    print '[+] Initializing flag syms ...'

    X = [ BitVec('X_%d' % i, 32) for i in range(42+1)]
    for i in xrange(1, 42+1):        
        s.add( And(X[i] >= 0x21, X[i] <= 0x7e) )

    print '[+] Adding initial constraints'
    _sum = BitVecVal(0, 32)
    for i in range(1, 21+1):
        _sum ^= zz_fct( X[2*i - 1]*256 + X[2*i])
    s.add(_sum == 5803878)

    print '[+] Adding array constraints ...'
    for (i, j, k, l, target) in array[:]:
        print '[+] Adding constraint: i=%d, j=%d, k=%d, l=%d, target=%d' % (i, j, k, l, target)
        s.add(zz_fct(X[2*i + 1]*256 + X[2*i + 2]) ^
              zz_fct(X[2*j + 1]*256 + X[2*j + 2]) ^
              zz_fct(X[2*k + 1]*256 + X[2*k + 2]) ^
              zz_fct(X[2*l + 1]*256 + X[2*l + 2]) == target)
    print '[+] Checking sat....'

    print '[+] Checking sat ...'
    if s.check() == sat: 
        print '[+] Valid solution found!'

        m = s.model()
        flag = ''
        for x in X[1:-1]: 
            v = m.evaluate(x).as_long()            
            flag += chr(v)            

            print '[+]   %s = 0x%02x (%c)' % (x, v, chr(v))
        print '[+] Flag:', flag

The flag is PCTF{Gr4ph1CS_D3SiGn_Is_tRUlY_My_Pas5ioN!.